Health | Markle | Advancing America's Future


Improving health and the quality of health care in the United States through use of innovations in information technology.

Shaping the future of health care

Anticipating the digital transformation of health care, Markle convened Markle Connecting for Health as a public-private collaboration. Its goals: to improve health and the quality of health care in the United States through use of innovations in information technology. Markle Connecting for Health has tackled the challenges of creating a networked health information environment that enables information to be shared securely and privately. Key accomplishments include the Markle Common Framework and the Blue Button.

The Markle Common Framework provides best practices for securely sharing personal health information while preserving privacy. These best practices shaped policy and technology architecture across the country, including landmark provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Blue Button enables Americans to easily download and transmit their personal health information. It is in use at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and major insurers and pharmacies.

Our Impact

Markle Foundation Releases Blue Button Video to Show Promise and Potential of Consumers Access to their Own Health Information

New York, NY – To help consumers, providers, insurers and other health data holders see how providing the ability for people to download their health…

Markle Common Framework

Widely endorsed nationwide, the Markle Common Framework provides recommendations that allow patients and doctors access to vital clinical data while preserving privacy and security.

Health IT & The Recovery Act

Markle, together with its collaborators and supporters, produced consensus statements and comments on the implementation of the meaningful use of electronic health records, the basis for government health IT investments.

Groups and Committees

Steering Group

Comprising representatives from a broad spectrum of leading health and technology providers and innovators, the Markle Connecting for Health Steering Group provided direction and oversight.

HIE Committee

The Connecting for Health Information Exchange Advisory Committee, a diverse group of health care leaders with hands on experience implementing health information sharing efforts, developed the Connecting…

Consumer Work Group

The Markle Connecting for Health Work Group on Consumer Engagement, comprising experts from across the health care and technology spectrums, conceived the idea of a blue button to allow people to download their personal health information.

Sharing and Collaboration

The Markle Connecting for Health Work Group on Consumer Engagement, comprising experts from across the health care and technology spectrums, conceived the idea of a blue button to allow people…